Teaching Guides (NEW!)

  1. Adjective Animations: How to use adjectives to have your AR actor dance (and do other things)!
  2. Sentence Structures - Enjoys: How to have your AR actors do things like walking/running to different points on the paper


These worksheets can also be adapted for Common Core curriculums for K-2.

  1. Coming Soon: Sentence Structure + Adjective Worksheets
  2. Handwriting Practice for Magic Generated from this Worksheet Generator .psd file
    1. Food (with Tracing)
    2. Animals I (with Tracing)
    3. Animals II (with Tracing)
    4. Family (with Tracing)
    5. Things (with Tracing)
    6. Cars (with Tracing)

    7. Food
    8. Animals I
    9. Animals II
    10. Family
    11. Things
    12. Cars

    13. All Handwriting Worksheets as one file

  3. Mad Libs Magic Paper Story Templates
  4. Lexicon Interactive Worksheet is an interactive worksheet builder for selecting Lexicon words to use in a wordlist. Lexicon words are words recognized by DrawmaticAR app.


  1. Stay tuned to this Twitter Moment

Lesson Plan Ideas

  • Handwriting Practice for Magic: Have students practice writing the words in the Handwriting Practice worksheets above. When they’re ready, use the Magic Paper!

  • Daily Short Paragraphs Analysis: Have students write a short 3-sentence paragraph every day using at least 3 words from the worksheets above. When the AI can’t seem to recognize one of the known words above, take a look and analyze if it’s mispelled or just not legible. Have plenty of Magic Paper to try again!

  • Mad Libs Story Templates are a fun way for students to fill in the nouns for different pre-constructed story scenarios they can handwrite on Magic Paper.

  • Have students select 3-5 words they want to use in ther story from different word groups in the Lexicon Interactive Worksheet.

  • MAXBINGO Words: Use the CardSheet as a (max)bingo chart and have students construct sentences using words selected in MAXBINGO. MAXBINGO is played on an 8x8 chart with letters on top and numbers on the side. So, M1 is Ambulance, A1 is Bear (etc). Draw a MAXBINGO random ball here.

Additional Learning Resources

  • Download Flash Cards of some common words recognized by DrawmaticAR.
  • Peruse the Lexicon and create word lists by word groups.
  • Card Sheet Flash Card summary